Humidity control and proper ventilation are two major components of healthy indoor air. Dehumidifying indoor air helps to prevent mold and mildew growth, pest infestations, and damage to wood floors and furnishings. It also reduces the strain placed on air conditioning systems during hot weather, creating a higher level of comfort that heating and cooling can’t accomplish alone.
Proper ventilation that brings in fresh air can help reduce harmful levels of airborne viruses and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that may be present in homes from paint, cleaning substances, and more. With COVID-19 still present in our lives, proper ventilation is essential for effective virus protection. So, knowing how important both ventilation and dehumidification are for creating healthy indoor air, wouldn’t it be great if there was a product out there that could tackle both?
That’s where the AprilAire E100V+8190FF Ventilating Dehumidifier comes in. This product combines our award-winning energy-efficient dehumidification with fresh air ventilation. It controls humidity that is already inside the home as well as in the fresh air being brought in from outside, making the Ventilating Dehumidifier a valuable tool in creating Healthy Air in homes.
The Ventilating Dehumidifier features a Model E100V Dehumidifier and our patent-pending 8190FF ventilation plenum. The E100V is part of the AprilAire e-series dehumidifier line and is designed for use with the 8190FF. The 8190FF features two dampers ̶ one for incoming fresh air and one for existing indoor air. When one damper is open the other is closed, which means that the Ventilating Dehumidifier is either bringing in and removing moisture from fresh outdoor air, or it’s controlling humidity solely within the home.
And like many of our other products, the Model E100V+8190FF is easy to install, with simple plug-in installation and only three duct connections.
Contact your local AprilAire distributor to order the Ventilating Dehumidifier. Need help locating your AprilAire distributor? Visit our Distributor Locator for help.